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Discover Farmhouses in Tuscany

Farmhouses in Tuscany

Tuscany, a land characterized by a huge variety of climates and landscapes, with a fascinating history, is a popular tourist destination for any vacation: palaces, monuments, squares, museums, ancient churches and beyond, hills, sea and a rich natural heritage all to admire.

In particular, the hilly areas are an increasingly sought-after destination for those who want a relaxing holiday, with family, friends or couples.

On the border between the area of Romagna and Tuscany lands at the foot of Mount Carzolano, covers the territory of the municipality of Palazzuolo sul Senio, which has a large natural heritage, landscapes lush with vegetation that transmit peace and serenity.
Choose to stay in a farmhouse for your holiday in Tuscany: are structures that are increasingly being chosen by tourists, because they provide a more direct contact with nature, rest, tasting of local products and therefore often also the rediscovery of local traditions, without take the opportunity to visit the city with their monuments and their squares.
The same Palazzuolo sul Senio offers historical monuments and squares of rare beauty, such as the Palace of the Captains, square and Strigelli palace, the old town, the village dell'Ore or the impressive square of the Crucified.
The farm Fantino is a perfect starting point for exploring the beauty of the area, offering guests all the services they need to make their holiday special and memorable. Just 60 km from Florence and close to the border between Tuscany and Romagna, staying at the Jockey can visit an area that goes far beyond the territory of Palazzolo.
And for those who love to move, preferring a more relaxing holiday, can spend their days taking advantage of services available from the farm: rooftop swimming pool, solarium, field archery.
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